Among the discussion topics...
- The Memorial staff is happy to announce that the library classroom will relocate from the fourth to the second floor. The relocation brings it closer to other public services, and will offer a more open and user-friendly space. Most important to the student body, this move will allow the classroom to serve as study space when not in instructional use, including access to the approximately 20 computer work stations. Every little bit of extra space and computer access helps, especially during midterm and finals weeks.
- The library system will be looking for a new solution for remote shelving of low-circulation materials. University facilities management personnel have determined that a remote location in Verona will not be able to accommodate special needs associated with preservation of library materials. Back to the drawing board for this project. When you've been collecting materials for 160 years, you need a lot of space.
- The library system may see a 5-10% cut in student staffing budgets. A detailed plan will be developed once a specific budget is determined.
- The overall collections budget may see an 8% cut. Recent years' budget reductions have been made up through alternate funding sources but those sources do not appear to be available in the coming year. When inflation is considered, this potential reduction translates to about 10% less buying power. As the library reduces it's acquisition of materials, it will rely more on inter-library loans. It was noted that in the past few years, the UW library has become a net borrower, receiving more loaned materials than loaning out materials. Thus the library pays out more inter-library loan fees than it takes in.
--Dave Wilcox, graduate student committee rep
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