Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Library Committee Update

The library committee met today and largely discussed budgets and resource sharing services, such as inter-library loan (ILL) and document delivery services like Library Express.

The overall library budget has not been cut as much as we thought it might. It is only 1% rather than the anticipated 5% or more. While this is good, projects such as the preservation facility will not be funded in this year's state budget. This means that libraries will continue to be short on space for storage and student use. Some libraries with separate budgets, such as Ebling, are still looking at large cuts and the library system is looking at ways to consolidate services with them.

ILL has seen a massive increase in use. There has been an overall 141% increase in demand since 2001. The trend is increasingly towards articles, rather than returnable items such as books. Grad students and faculty have the highest proportional use, but undergrads dominate through sheer numbers. Turnaround time for Library Express services has decreased by about half as software and staffing have improved performance. There is some discussion about possibly capping the amount materials that can be requested because of expense. Discussion on this topic has been tabled until the next meeting.

What I would like to know from other students is how they feel about the library system not promoting this service. Because of the limited budget there is concern that promoting it would swamp the service. While this may be true, my concern is that there is a divide between those who know about the service and those who don't. I think this might be an issue because Library Express is an incredible service that many student may be missing out on simply because they don't know it exists. What do you think?
Find out more about Library Express here if you haven't heard about it.

Other items brought up:
  • College Library is hosting an event with American Indian leaders on campus tonight (5:30) to compliment the PBS "We Shall Remain" series, the first episode aired last night.
  • Past American Library Association President Loriene Roy will present on indigenous libraries in the School of Library and Information Studies Commons (4th floor Helen C. White) on Wednesday, April 22, at 4:30PM.
  • MERIT library (formerly CIMC) is letting people have "Read" posters made with their own pictures on them in celebration of National Library Week.

Madison Initiative for Undergraduates

Hopefully you've heard of the Madison Initiative for Undergraduates. If you haven't, get out from under your rock and check out http://madisoninitiative.wisc.edu/. Basically, the initiative is being proposed as a way to improve student services, provide more need-based financial aid, and hire more faculty through a tuition differential that will increase in-state tuition by $250 per year and out-of-state tuition $750 per year over the next four years.

Obviously this is a big deal, for students and the institution.

This Initiative could be very positive for students and the reputation of the University of Wisconsin. However, it will need a lot of oversight to work, most likely through a shared governance committee.

How do you see this oversight process working? What would you like the committee to be charged with? Who should be sitting at the table? Should there be a separate student subcommittee to evaluate student services proposals? How can students be engaged, active participants in this process, putting their tuition dollars to work in the most effective ways?

Comment on this post with your thoughts!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Student Policies and Non Academic Program Committee Updates (Feb 24th,2009)

The SPNAPC had its 2nd meeting of the semester on Feb 24th, 2009.
The following is the agenda:
A. The offices of the Dean of Students Unit Overview
a. there are now 8 units under ODOS: ASM,ISS,LGBT, Mcburney Disability Center, Multi-culture Student Center, center for the first year experience, student advocacy and judicial affairs and the student organization office.
b. Each unit gave an short introduction of their function and problem.

B. ODOS Budget
a. Overview of the Budget: the division spent 93% of the budget for salaries.
b.7% is for Center for the First Year Experience (partial), Central Admin, ISS, Mcburney Disability Resource Center, MSC, Student Advocacy and Judicial Affairs, and Student Organization Office.
c. the budget does not include: ASM, LGBT and GUTS because of different funding streams
d. Strategies Employed:
1. Each unit identified their potential cuts at 8%
2. Discussed with constituents the impact
3. Met with stakeholders and asked for feedback
4. Awaiting final amounts from budget office
5. CLT will determine the cuts from each unit with their recommendations
e. Impact
1. No Special Assistant to help DOS
2. Reduce web position and student presence at SOAR tables and in hiring
3. Eliminate voicemail, copying, office supply purchases

The Associated Students of Madison Shared Governance Committee Blog serves as a space for shared governance appointees and the UW-Madison student body to communicate on issues relating to shared governance. As part of their responsibilities as student representatives, appointees will post a report following each meeting attended.