Saturday, March 13, 2010

Advisory Committee to the Offices of the Dean of Students March 4, 2010

The Advisory Committee to the Offices of the Dean of Students met March 4, 2010

1. The Dean of Students Lori Berquam presented for discussion a draft for a project charter regarding the establishing of lifelong connections to UW-Madison by students and alumni.
2. The Journalism, Ethics and Sensitivity Forum was discussed as well as the issues surrounding the current debate on campus regarding freedom of speech in response to comments posted in the Badger Herald.
3. The request of a student organization to bring Louis Farrakhan to campus was discussed during the meeting.
4. The WI Student Ambassadors presented during the meeting and talked about their experiences as students in UW-Madison.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Friday, March 12, 2010

SGC Minutes

Shared Governance Committee minutes from 3/11/10 are online in draft form. Please send corrections to Andrew By Wednesday.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Madison Central Business Improvement District (BID) Board of Directors, March 4

The agenda for this meeting can be seen here:

Main items:
  • Recap of March 2 Property Owner Update meeting that reviewed 2009 and highlighted upcoming events and issues in 2010 (an article regarding this meeting was in the Mar 3 edition of the Badger Herald)
  • Discussion of the Alcohol License Density Ordinance (ALDO) - The BID opposes ALDO because it makes it extremely difficult for property owners to secure tenants that are "bars." The BID is attempting to amend ALDO and is encouraging it not to be renewed in October, when it is scheduled to sunset. There was further discussion of this at the Mar. 4 ALRC Subcommittee on Downtown Alcohol Issues and Ordinances. That subcommittee is considering amendments proposed by the BID and will vote on two amendments at the next meeting, in approx. 4 weeks. The two amendments concern repealing the "365 day rule" and altering the definition of "exceptional circumstances" so it is easier for entertainment establishments to get liquor licenses. If you have any questions about this, please let me know, there are a lot more details.
  • Approval of 2010 Budget
  • Discussion of installation of 'Pay by space' parking meters - visitors will be able to pay for meters with credit cards. Installation starts next week and will begin in the Buckeye parking lot.
  • Peace Park - construction will begin this month and last until approx. September

Let me know if you have any questions!

Monday, March 8, 2010

March 8 L&S Curriculum Committee

Today the L&SCC began a discussion about the possible addition of a Bachelor of Liberal Arts or similar program, in the wake of the creation of a similar program at UW Eau Claire. Below are the notes from the discussion, and further steps are still to be determined.

Would it be beneficial to a group of students to have a Bachelors of L&S/Liberal Studies, broad liberal studies curriculum as opposed to majoring in a particular discipline?
o Why force specialization at Undergrad when trying to get students to think broadly?
o Role of ILS program (certificate option but no major)
o Honors program
o Senior Thesis option
o Do you lose depth with the focus on breadth?
o Possibility to build on existing programs
o More flexibility = more guidance needed? Students looking for what their education is about, how they can combine interests. Finding courses that combine well, about interaction and a conversation.
o Option of core curriculum? Training habits of mind rather than focusing on a discipline. Build a foundation, continue from there.
o Way to integrate traditional and non-traditional students together.
o Is our current system of majors the best system for moving people toward essential learning outcomes?
Are we just doing it because we’ve always done it?
By creating more synthesis could we better prepare students for the changing world?
o Possible bad routes
o Degrees like this popular among athletes at other institutions
• Also don’t want an online degree route collaborating w/2 yr schools.
• Possible pressure to turn it into money-raising activity, b/c just need last 30 credits here, could bring in students from elsewhere who just finish here in Liberal Studies.

The Associated Students of Madison Shared Governance Committee Blog serves as a space for shared governance appointees and the UW-Madison student body to communicate on issues relating to shared governance. As part of their responsibilities as student representatives, appointees will post a report following each meeting attended.