Friday, December 7, 2007
Search and Screen for New UW Chancellor
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
WSUM Governance Board Minutes
First order of business: New Executive Management positions.
- Station Manager: Y Mae Sussman
-Program Director: Eric Moody
-Traffic Directors: Katie Chanba, Ben Taylor, Jessica Underwood
-Music Director: Amanda Bruno
-Promotions Director: Jenny Harris
-Community Outreach: Dan Rebholz
-Production Director: Nick Turco
Still looking for a talk director. For now, they have a provisional appt.
They have also decided to appoint Alex Gaylon as a 40 hr. appt. Traffic Director. This is because most of WSUM's events are 21 and up and none of the current TD's are of age. He'll be there for set-up in these cases. This is simply a redistribution of hours and does not require creation of a whole new position.
2007-8 Budget:
Seem to be on target for spending of segregated fee budget.
-In the first five months of the budgetary period, they've spent a little over a third of their budget
-Trying to hold off on most large item spending until April
-A little over on Computer items, have 7000 budgeted, have already spent around 2,500
WSUM and state of the station:
-During Welcome week, tabled at least 10 events, did Snake on the Lake festival, homecoming, co-sponsored the Eric Michael Dyson event, lots of fundraisers and are holding a King's Club event with canned goods for admission.
At this point, Kevin Helmkamp asked WSUM if they would be interested in being integrated into their Crisis Management System. Everyone agreed it would be a great idea and a necessity if we're not already doing it.
Development Director:
-For those who don't know, WSUM used to have an employee who helped direct underwriting and fundraising for the station. However, he has left and WSUM evaluated whether or not it was feasible and profitable to replace him in that position. Since it was decided that Randy's salary effectively cancelled out the money he brought into the station, the position will not be revived.
-Instead, WSUM has hired a marketing student, Marilynn Johnson, who will direct underwriting based on a 10 percent commission.
-Doug McLeod also brought up the idea of directing J-school to WSUM for marketing internships. WSUM may end up setting up a marketing department as a result of this that could increase fundraising efforts. However, this is in its earliest stages.
Since there are two WSUM websites right now, and neither of them do everything that we want the station do be able to do ( looks nice, but lacks functionality, has archives and blog options, but looks absolutely dreadful), WSUM was meeting with a web hosting company on Wednesday to discuss possibilities for the site.
-It was emphasized by Dave Black that they really want this website to pay for itself through advertising and other means. Profitable return on this investment is of crucial importance.
If you have any comments or questions for Dave Black or management, let me or any other ASM'ers know.
Open Position - Alcohol and Other Drug Task Force
By participating in this committee, you can have a significant impact on campus alcohol policy, tailgating policy, and related issues.
More information about the Task Force can be found here:
Alcohol and Other Drug Task Force
To apply, send an email to Travis Weller the Shared Governance Project Assistant and Jeff Wright, Shared Governance Chair with the following information:
1. your name and year in school
2. your phone number
3. a few sentences describing why you would like to represent students on this committee.
Deadline to apply: 5pm, Friday, 12.14.07.
If you have any questions, email Travis Weller.
Shared Governance Meeting
Tuesday, December 4th 2007
- Introductions
We did guilty music pleasures.
- Announcements
- Director of Student Advocacy and Judicial Affairs Interviews: December 5 at 11:00 am, December 7 at 1:00 pm
- There are two interview left for tomorrow at 11:00 and Friday 1pm
- Internship Program
- Every semester ASM gets hires new inters
- Good way to learn how to run an org
- Can get course credit
- There will be an email sent out. However, it is a rolling admission.
- First meeting Spring semester: Tuesday, January 29, 2008
- We get back on the 22nd
- Officer roles/process
- Part of their duties is the check in and support committee members
- Might receive emails from your committee leader in the coming month
- It is to help Jeff and Travis organize Shared Gov.
- Will send out email with the name of your group leader
- Scheduling Conflicts in Spring 08
- Ask chair to change meeting time
- If you have a conflict you can ask the chair to change the time of the meeting. You have that right. However , some committees never change (especially large committees)
- We learned that some people have conflicts so we may do a committee swap.
- Blog Tutorial
- Travis gave an introduction of how to post
- You must have a gmail account otherwise you might have to use an anonymous post
- You should put what committee you service on, your name, date, etc
- Can post minutes, and comments, and any important events or decisions for Shared Gov
- Travis and Jeff are the blog administrators
- Committee Reports
- (My computer froze and I couldn’t remember what committee this was for) (sorry)
- Halloween is an issue next year because it falls on a Saturday and the city is looking for student input.
- We brainstormed feedback: Both night were big on previous nights when Halloween fell on a Saturday, there were lots of complaints on the exits and entrances so the city is looking at that problem, the city can’t do anything about the 5 dollars entrance fee
- Approved management team for next year
- Doing well on budget
- Getting an emergency system worked on (campus crisis committee?)
- They want to update the website, if they should buy a web site
- Next meeting is in April
- The Office of financial aid and admission
- 18,000 students got financial aid this year, which comes to around 1.6 million this year
- Admissions is behind because we have switched to electronic (as of now we are about 2,000 behind)
- Hired additional staff members to help problem
- How does the cutoff point work for admissions? They want around 5,600 freshmen but there is not a capping procedure. (25% of the class can be out of state (we are never close to that number))
- Book Swap
- You can sell books for more and buy for less
- It is taking place on Jan 21st (Classes start the 22nd )
- Want as many student volunteers and we pass around a sign up
- Diversity over sight committee
- Want students to take ethnic studies early (in frosh or soph year)and would like them to have hands on experience
- Diversity forum for LGBT will meet at 7 check TITU
- Committee on student Organizations
- This committee needs be to revised and the new changes need to be put into print.
- The reason we need to do this is to have a 9 member would rule out a tie, however they want it to be as staff member from SOO.
- The reason behind this change is that it would rule out a tie vote, and the dean of students and SOO were once one and the same. However, they now have very different jobs and are separate groups. For some reason a voting member of SOO has been voting even though he/she didn’t have the right/power to for several years now.
- All the hearings so far this year, have been unanimous but there have be instances where there has been a tie, so to fix this they want to officially give the SOO power.
- We have to option to publicize this problem if we like.
- We brainstormed Ideas: We want the SOO to have a voice, because dean of students and SOO, SOO still answers to the dean of students so it might give the faculty too much power, The SOO has a lot of power over student orgs so we need them to have order, The SOO has been voting for years and it hasn’t hurt anything,
- We closed debate
- We Voted in favor of the proposal.
- Adjournment
Monday, December 3, 2007
Service Learning at UW-Madison
Morgridge Center for Public Service Advisory Board Meeting
Call to Order
Welcome New Advisory Board Members
Introduction of New Morgridge Center Staff
Approval of Minutes May 3rd, 2007 Advisory Board Meeting
WUD Committee Reports
Global Connections
- Newest Program to WUD
Alternative Breaks
- 96 Students Applied for Winter Break
- 7 Trips 70 Total Students for Winter Break
- There will be 12 Spring Break trips
Community Services
- Last year: not doing enough programming, not going after general student population
- This year: Increased participation, doing 5 times as many events
Faculty Director Report
Funding Proposal to Morgridge Family
- Asked for Everything they could
- Want 7 more Staff
- Decision for funding proposal will be made Middle of November
Kauffman Grant/Social Entrepreneurship Internship Update
- $100,000 for 5 years
- Program Starts in Summer
Civic Engagement Certificate
- 18 Credit Academic Program started last summer
- Similar to other Certificate Programs
- Open to all Students
S-L/CBR in the Timetable Update
- Big Issue: "What is Service Learning"
- Right now exploring root of problem
- Little uniformity communicating service learning
- The Wisconsin Idea on Campus: quantify it
WUD Advisor Report
- Mini-Grants Program Update
- Feeder Cost Service Project
- Groups do own alternative break trip
Community Service Coordinator Report
Volunteer Transportation Program Update
- Free Taxi Rides through Union Cab for Students who volunteer at least 8 times
Community Outreach Activities
- Morgridge Center 101 November 17th and 18th
Theme Months
- Partnerships with lots of groups, move towards unity
Revised and Updated MC Website
- New Marketing Creation Plan
- "Find yourself through service to others"
Morgridge Center VISTA Report
- Madison Campus Community Collaborative Overview
- MCCC Partnership Updates:
- Urban League
- Centro Hispano
Associate Director Report
- Space Issues: Not enough room, using temporary offices in Memorial Union. Morgridge Family wants it to stay solely in Red Gym
- Many scholarships available.
There is more information if anyone would like it. These are the main items.
Dean of Students Advisory Board
The purpose of this group is to provide a forum for a wide variety of student voices to give feedback on ideas and programs generated by the Offices of the Dean of Students.
To hear from students their ideas and concerns. This group is advisory, not a decision-making body.
To have the make-up of this advisory board reflect the campus as a whole, with student representation from all levels: undergraduate, graduate and professional.
To hear from alternative voices other advocacy groups on campus.
To include representatives from each school/college, WUD, UC and UW Housing student staff.
November 20th, 2007 Meeting
We had a discussion about the recent house/apartment fires involving UW Students. If anybody would like details about this subject please ask.
The major issue discussed about Halloween was that lack of police patrolling campus and other areas of the city because of the excessive focus on state street. Many students felt other areas are becoming much more dangerous than State Street. Again if you want more details please comment.
For Football Fan Behavior, we pretty much discussed all of the possible ideas that were brought up at a Shared Governance meeting a few weeks back.
We briefly discussed the Consolidated Seg Fee Policy Paper. Unfortunately we have very little time, to discuss besides an opening from the Dean.
Questions, post a comment.
Committee on Student Organzations
1. Carry out disciplinary process as established by in the Student Organization Handbook.
2. Review disciplinary process and procedures
3. Set policy relevant to RSO's
4. Serve as a bridge from ASM to RSOs
5. Create programs which will better connect and serve RSO
6. Advise the Student Organization
Since most of our meetings are closed door hearings and all of them have been so far. I do not have anything that I am allowed to report.
However there is one issue that the committee would like brought up to the entire Shared Governance Committee.
When the committee was created in 1994 the make up was
4 Members of ASM
1 Member of ASM Student Council
1 appointee of the Faculty Senate
1 appointee of the Dean of Students Office
1 appointee of the Chancellor
When this committee was created the Student Organization Office was part of the Dean of Students Office and therefore the representative from the Dean of Students Office was also the Student Organization Office rep.
The Student Organization Office, has since become separate of the Dean of Students Office, therefore the Dean of Students Rep, cannot also be the SOO rep.
However, it states nowhere in the resolution that the Student Organization Office can have its own voting representative, since the resolution was never updated when the DOS Office and SOO Office split.
The committee therefore has asked me to bring this issue to Shared Governance Committee and have 1 appointee of the Student Organization Office added to the resolution after 1 appointee of the Chancellor
If you have questions about this committee or the proposed change. Please comment or send me an email-
Open Forum - Dr. Seema Kapani - Candidate for Vice Provost of Diversity and Climate
The Associated Students of Madison Shared Governance Committee Blog serves as a space for shared governance appointees and the UW-Madison student body to communicate on issues relating to shared governance. As part of their responsibilities as student representatives, appointees will post a report following each meeting attended.