Wednesday, December 5, 2007

WSUM Governance Board Minutes

While these were posted in the minutes of the ASM Shared Gov. Meeting, these are a little more extensive.

First order of business: New Executive Management positions.
- Station Manager: Y Mae Sussman
-Program Director: Eric Moody
-Traffic Directors: Katie Chanba, Ben Taylor, Jessica Underwood
-Music Director: Amanda Bruno
-Promotions Director: Jenny Harris
-Community Outreach: Dan Rebholz
-Production Director: Nick Turco

Still looking for a talk director. For now, they have a provisional appt.

They have also decided to appoint Alex Gaylon as a 40 hr. appt. Traffic Director. This is because most of WSUM's events are 21 and up and none of the current TD's are of age. He'll be there for set-up in these cases. This is simply a redistribution of hours and does not require creation of a whole new position.

2007-8 Budget:

Seem to be on target for spending of segregated fee budget.
-In the first five months of the budgetary period, they've spent a little over a third of their budget
-Trying to hold off on most large item spending until April
-A little over on Computer items, have 7000 budgeted, have already spent around 2,500

WSUM and state of the station:
-During Welcome week, tabled at least 10 events, did Snake on the Lake festival, homecoming, co-sponsored the Eric Michael Dyson event, lots of fundraisers and are holding a King's Club event with canned goods for admission.

At this point, Kevin Helmkamp asked WSUM if they would be interested in being integrated into their Crisis Management System. Everyone agreed it would be a great idea and a necessity if we're not already doing it.

Development Director:
-For those who don't know, WSUM used to have an employee who helped direct underwriting and fundraising for the station. However, he has left and WSUM evaluated whether or not it was feasible and profitable to replace him in that position. Since it was decided that Randy's salary effectively cancelled out the money he brought into the station, the position will not be revived.
-Instead, WSUM has hired a marketing student, Marilynn Johnson, who will direct underwriting based on a 10 percent commission.
-Doug McLeod also brought up the idea of directing J-school to WSUM for marketing internships. WSUM may end up setting up a marketing department as a result of this that could increase fundraising efforts. However, this is in its earliest stages.

Since there are two WSUM websites right now, and neither of them do everything that we want the station do be able to do ( looks nice, but lacks functionality, has archives and blog options, but looks absolutely dreadful), WSUM was meeting with a web hosting company on Wednesday to discuss possibilities for the site.
-It was emphasized by Dave Black that they really want this website to pay for itself through advertising and other means. Profitable return on this investment is of crucial importance.

If you have any comments or questions for Dave Black or management, let me or any other ASM'ers know.

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The Associated Students of Madison Shared Governance Committee Blog serves as a space for shared governance appointees and the UW-Madison student body to communicate on issues relating to shared governance. As part of their responsibilities as student representatives, appointees will post a report following each meeting attended.