Friday, January 22, 2010
Dean of Students Advisory Board Meeting - Thurs., 1/21
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Shared Governance Committee Minutes
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Search and Screen Positions
There are 2 Search and Screen committees looking for student involvement. If you are interested in being on either of these committees, please e-mail me a resume and cover letter by 5:00PM on Friday, January 22nd. The cover letter should include why you are interested in serving on this committee and why you are the most qualified to be appointed. The Center for Leadership and Involvement (CfLI) is searching for a new Director (1 student seat) and the Multicultural Student Center will be hiring a second Social Justice Education Specialist (2 student seats).
Please forward this information to anyone who you think may be interested in serving on these committees. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Spring Semester!
ASM Shared Governance will be holding our weekly meetings on Thursdays at 5:30 in the 4th floor Caucus Room at the SAC starting Thursday, January 28th. These are open meetings and we welcome every student on campus to attend! To remind everyone of the meetings this semester, I will be posting agendas here on the blog at least 24 hours in advance of the meetings.
Also, I encourage anyone who is interested in Shared Gov or ASM to come discuss it with me during my office hours:
Tuesdays 2:30-4:30
Wednesdays 2:45-4:45
Thursdays 12:30-1:30
...or by appointment.
Andrew Briddell, the Shared Gov PA will also be holding office hours this semester:
Mondays and Wednesdays 1-3:30
Thursdays 3:30-5:30
I'm looking forward to another great semester with Shared Gov! :)
Melissa Hanley
Chair, Shared Governance
Associated Students of Madison
ITC - November Meeting
Things the ITC could use input on:
- i-Clicker - We had a demo of i-Clicker. The idea is that everyone in a classroom has a device with 5 buttons, and when the instructor presents a question, everyone can answer. The bookstore showed 7 classes using clickers. i-Clicker also has a web interface. The clickers are $35, but do not have a recurring fee, so you could use the same one forever. Should these be used in class? Keep in mind that they could be anonymous or for a grade.
- Moodle - You may have noticed some classes using Moodle as a course website. It's kind of like Learn@UW but more customizable and community oriented. If you have used Moodle in a class of yours, what are your thoughts? Do instructors use it effectively? Does it help your learning? There is a Moodle council in ComETS that helps define best practices for Moodle's use in the university and acts as a common ground for those in the UW-Madison community who are using Moodle.
- Learning Spaces - We had a demo on Smartboards and Promethean whiteboards. They are basically whiteboards with a projector on them and some sort of way for the person writing on the whiteboard to interact with the computer. There was some concern about the support needed to keep a system like this running in classrooms. The question is whether these interactive whiteboards improve learning. If one of your classes uses one, we could use some input.
- New Wiscmail - the new web-client for Wiscmail has been in testing since September, and more people were invited week by week. The process of inviting people was due to be completed in December. You can permanently switch by going to The old client is scheduled to be retired this February.
- Google - Yes, there is work in progress to make Google apps available to UW-Madison students. At this point, Google Docs, Spreadsheet and Sites will be available. All will be authenticated with your NetID. While the services are free, DoIT had to invest in legal research and technical integration in order to get us Google stuff. Google basically provides the service, but we need to make sure it is legally and technologically feasible ourselves.
- Adobe Connect - Adobe connect is kind of a remote meeting solution that may work as a remote classroom setup. DoIT has purchased some licenses and will be selling them at a discount, for $100 until June 2010. Only the presenter/organizer needs a license.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
University Honors Committee
Another recurring subject of discussion was the new Letters & Science Honors Admissions Policy. Invitations to apply for L&S Honors were formerly sent to prospective students who met particular academic criteria. Under the new policy, which was first implemented for the 2008-2009 schoolyear, all L&S admits are invited to apply. Data from the past two years shows that this policy change is already having a substantial impact. Fewer applications have been submitted: the past two years averaged 509 applications, compared with an average of 716 applications for the five years prior to the change. While a majority of applicants had previously been Wisconsin residents, the past two years have seen an applicant pool that is two-thirds out-of-state. If you are interested in seeing more data or hearing potential explanations for these trends, please contact me via email:
I look forward to another great semester with Shared Gov! See you all soon!
The Associated Students of Madison Shared Governance Committee Blog serves as a space for shared governance appointees and the UW-Madison student body to communicate on issues relating to shared governance. As part of their responsibilities as student representatives, appointees will post a report following each meeting attended.