Monday, February 25, 2008

Recreational Sports Meeting February 13, 2008

Hi guys,

Sorry for the delay in this post. I've been having a rough time with technology and getting myself added. Below is my summary of the Recreational Sports Meeting.

Recreational Sports Board
Rachel Witt
13 February 2008
1) Nielsen Tennis Statement
a) Roof resurfacing scheduled for 2009
i) $1.9 million necessary
ii) $300,000 saved by Recreational Sports Board to date
iii) State has agreed to pay 50% of cost—still have to secure funds
b) New Furniture for lounge
i) $42,000 budget
ii) will replace temporary SWAP furniture currently there
c) Fee increase for tennis and squash courts
i) Indoor tennis and squash fees increased $1/hour/court
ii) segregated fees not allocated for Nielsen
iii) membership fees to increase based on % increase in segregated fees
(1) 3.7% increase allowed—Recreational Sports asked for a 2% increase
a) New 2008-2009 Expenditures
i) IT Hub- $37,500
ii) New Equipment at the Shell- $40,000
iii) Paint/valves for SERF swimming facilities- $50,000
iv) Red Cross class equipment- $11,000
v) New lockers- $441,800
vi) Replace track- $75,000
vii) Replace locker room plumbing- $175,000
viii) New aquatic sound system at NAT- $7,000
b) pay student employees more than $900,000 in wages annually
c) unusually high expenditures this year because Recreational Sports is moving from the Department of Education to Administration
i) increase in Group X Class fees
ii) student summer pass- $15.00
3) Cell Phone Policy in Locker Rooms
a) Cell phones not allowed to be used in locker rooms because they have camera features
b) future state legislature may also prohibit this
4) Next Meeting: discuss future renovation of the NATThe Recreational Sports Board met on 13 February 2008. The majority of members were present. The main topic of discussion was the approval of the 2008-2009 budget for Recreational Sports. The budget had been reviewed several weeks before by students on the board and recommended for presentation to the entire committee. In addition to the below minutes, several topics of discussion were considered at greater depth and seemed like important issues for students to consider.Under the expenditures for the SERF is a figure for IT consolidation. Instead of paying per service appointment by the IT department, the Recreational Sports Board will now be contributing in a set amount to an IT department that will provide service when needed. This should actually lower the cost of hiring per appointment.Segregated fees were addressed because there was discussion as to whether it’s fair to use the fees to cover half of the cost of providing Group X Fitness classes. It was decided that in other departments there are uses for the fees that are not actually used by all students. Students in the class are already required to cover half of the cost of classes. The segregated fee allotment per student per semester was $25.28 for 2007-2008. This amount is much less than other Big Ten schools.At the next meeting the board will discuss future renovations at the NAT.

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