Friday, October 16, 2009

Union Council Minutes - May, 2009

There seems to be a bit of confusion over Union Council's May 2009 action in regards to the building project's Design Committee. Since Union Council meeting agendas and minutes are not accessible online, the section of minutes relating to that action is listed below.

To provide context, Union Council was incorrectly informed in May 2009 that the furniture design needed to be completed by the end of summer 2009 - Union council is now not review these designs until December. Thus, in an effort to meet the stipulated summer deadline for completing the furniture design, an interim Design Committee process was developed that would fulfill the obligations established by the 2006 referendum authorizing the expenditure of nearly $100 million of student fees for the Union project. This summer process would convene an interim, but still student-majority, Design Committee of to review furniture design decisions.

In July 2009, an email from Union administration thanked participants for their time and informed them that the process was being "streamlined" to expedite the furniture design process. The interim process was thereby "postponed" without plans to restart it.

These minutes also stipulate that a report with recommendations for the Design Committee's future be presented at the first meeting of the fall semester. That report has yet to be given, even though planning and visioning for the Memorial Union phase of the project has already begun.


[earlier portion of meeting minutes are omitted]

Mr. Cornelius reported that he, Mr. Guthier, Mr. Walter, and Mr. Broadhead wrote a recommendation for the design committee structure in the future. A copy of the proposal/description/recommendation is on file with the minutes. Mr. Walter clarified that a summer design committee will be needed to review furniture specifications, provide a way for students to provide input, and perhaps provide a more flexible, temporary structure.

Mr. Guthier said he he’d like 2-3 students on subgroups during the summer. Ms. Boegel said she felt the current design committee members should continue to receive communications.

Mr. Weinschenck MOVED and Mr. Cornelius SECONDED to approve the following:

Design Committees for the Building Project

The Wisconsin Union expresses its deep appreciation for the work of the Design Committee during Phase I of the Union’s Building Project. Over the course of the last three years, hundreds of hours have been dedicated by countless students to the design of the New South Campus Union, all under the direction of the committee and led by its commendable students. As the formal structural, exterior, and interior design of the building comes to a close in May, 2009 Union Council extends its gratitude to the members of the committee and looks forward to the next chapter in the design process for the Union’s overall building project.

Design committee members are: Ade Afolayan, Angela Pakes Ahlman, Jon Augelli, Andrea Bill, Bruce Kieffer, Bradley Molzahn, Paul Broadhead, Carl Korz, Dan Erdman Stephanie Dar, Paul Davidsaver, Dan Cornelius, Drew Lake, Gwen Drury, Hank Walter, John Sharpless, Julie Grove, Jacklyn John, Jeremy Chapman, Josh Clements, Jeff Rolling John Sinclair, Kyle Olsen, Kaitlin Koehler, Katey Smith, Mike Lasecki, Lynn Stathas, Melissa Mamayek, Mark Guthier, Matt Colvin, Marc Kennedy, Margaret Tennessen, Michael Nemmetz, Liz Novy, Patrick Tilley, Jamie Schroeter, Shayna Hetzel, Susan Dibbell, Shira Weiner, Charles Johann Sung, Tim Gloeckler, Lea Zeise, and Xiangyun Zhang. They will be kept updated on all aspects of the building project.

To that end, the Council requests that every effort be made to fully engage students over the course of the summer in 2009 as a bridge to the next iteration of a Design Committee for Phase II of the Union’s Building Project. It is expected that final furniture, fixtures, and equipment (along with other items) will be determined during the summer months and it is Council’s intent that students have an influential voice in those decisions. A fully developed summer plan that includes an interim Design Committee structure and defined student leadership roles should be presented by the Vice President for Project Management to the 2009-10 Union Council Executive Committee at its May 18, 2009 meeting for approval.

In preparation for Phase II of the Building Project, Union Council requests that the Vice President for Project Management present a recommendation for the constitution and responsibilities of a Design Committee for its consideration at the first meeting of the Council in the fall semester of 2009-10.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 pm

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